Because you attended Psychology Secrets Masterclass Training you're invited to speak with Niyc about your goals in a special Psychology Strategy Call. Please complete the form below so Niyc can understand more about you & how you can benefit from integrating positive psychology into your life & business...

The Positive Psychology Coach Academy Is Open For Enrollment 

Let's explore if it might be a fit to get Certified as a Positive Psychology Coach in 2024 with the worlds most practical, integrated & results focused Positive Psychology Coaching Program ☺️ 

Discover how to use the science of happiness to help you, your clients, and your business thrive!

Let the world's most practical, integrated & results focused pospsych certification guide you & your clients to higher levels of joy, personal power, and fulfilment!

Places are limited so be sure to apply now so you don't miss out! Niyc's team will reach out via email or text to speak with you - or if you're ready to go you can sign up right away! Payment plans available. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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